Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Day 263:Mono Monday - Ancestors

Mono Monday has saved me from being Blipless - thank you MrsLinda for hosting.

My Nan and Grandad, Dorothy and Arthur's wedding in 1930. How glamorous they were, and my great-grandfather at the back looks so dignified and upstanding . It's a bit scary to think he was younger then than I am now. Or that my lovely Nan was not much older than my daughter is now. People looked older then - I guess they had to grow up quicker, and clothes were so much more formal.

My Nan was one of ten children including 8 girls - how on earth they could afford the wedding I don't now.  The little blonde bridesmaid, my Nan's youngest sister Sylvie, is now in her 90s and sadly suffering from Alzheimers. How sad to think she has lost 9 siblings in her lifetime. 

I apologise for the unimaginative interpretation of MM - struggling for time as ever!

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