Meditation singing bowl

It has become a bit of a joke that Mr C browses the Internet, particularly Amazon and ends up buying some random bits and pieces (a triangle being one!!) and now this little bowl that you hit with a wooden thingy!

I'm not sure if I've mentioned that Sim has epilepsy and it appears he may have had a mini seizure this morning. The last real seizure he had was over 7 years ago, when his medication was being reduced. We are not really sure what happened but he came downstairs incredibly confused and unable to remember things (as he does after a fit). The hospital finally returned his call this evening. He is not allowed to drive, his medication is to be increased slightly and they have referred him for an eeg, which will hopefully confirm that the medication is working. Sim is, understandably, gutted and we are all a little puzzled to what happened this morning.

Tomorrow is another day :-)

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