Excuses excuses

I was going to complain about the quality of this shot.

Explain how bad it was because it was so windy.

However the point of this blip is to praise the unbelievable skills of these pilots.

C and me went for another attempted walk over the old severn crossing; to find yet again restrictions in place due to the wind.

So this time we walked on the North side of the bridge, to lessen the feel of the wind coming up the estuary.

He was feeling quite sick, so a good blowy walk was going to help him anyway.

We walked slowly into the wind and rain.

As we headed onto the bridge we heard a helicopter, and thought we saw one on the other side of the bridge; but then it disappeared.

We walked on, but before too long turned back.

We heard the helicopter again, louder but could not see anything.

As we were getting close to getting off the bridge, I noticed the coast guard had a rigid inflatable in the severn. As we were looking at that the helicopter re-appeared.

Flying backwards under the bridge!

Wish I'd been closer but C felt too sick to run up the bridge.

The skills of the pilot(s) was bloody amazing. The height was so stable, and just drifting backwards in a bloody strong wind.

My excuse of not holding the camera steady is pants.

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