My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Mr Blue Sky

Unbelievable scenes here in Scotland ladies & gentlemen!

A mystery object has been spotted in the sky!

Is it a bird? nope

Is it a plane? nope

Is it Big Shuggie out hang-gliding? err nope

No, It's the SUN!

Making another all too rare appearance in our neck of the woods.

Well they do say too much of a good thing isn't good for you. I don't like that saying.

Someplace, somewhere has been getting more than their quota of rays. I'll bet they're equally fed up having to continually apply sunscreen.

Let's hope it's here to stay! For a couple of days at least.

p.s. Do any blippers out there know what the other astral body is? And if so, is it headed our way?!

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