
By MaybeDailyBob

Blonde on Blonde

Bob Dylan 1966
Cats and dogs are coming down
14th street is gonna drown

Surprisingly apt.

So this a a flower cut from our garden. completefluke picks flowers, grasses and foliage from the garden for the house when she is home. Spring, summer, autumn and winter she takes what she can find and puts them in a vase.

I went outside got wet taking some not very good shots, looked around saw this flower and though that might work. Ironed a pillowcase for the background, held the flower in place with Blutack (I am sure other proprietary brands are available) and turned the resulting blip into B&W.

No idea what it is but I will update this if Jane knows. I will ask her when she has had her Bowen session, my turn later.

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