A confused genius

By Lez11

Cheeky buggers

Driving to the train station I have to drive across a 1 lane bridge over a canal which is controlled by traffic lights. Today some cheeky bugger had turned around the head of the traffic lights so you couldn't tell if it's on red or green (pic). I just decided to drive over slowly and found that they had turned around the traffic light head on the other side aswell, classic.

On the train coming back from work we discussed "Show me your money" which was on last night and is a programme where people in a plumbing company declaired to each other what they earned to try and end wage equality. People on higher wages were asked of they would take a pay cut so someone on a lower wage could get a pay rise. Would you do it???? I actually would if I could say who gets my pay cut for their pay rise. I'd only do it as my mom worked very hard in some s**t jobs so she could pay her way in society and bring up me, my brother and 2 sisters. My mom tought me the value you of money and hard work.

I was told today that last month was the wettest month in history. I blame the book fifty shades of grey.

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