Wildflower meadow
Today was absolutely glorious weather, so I took advantage of it and after my first interview I went to nearby Harlow Carr, one of the big RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) gardens. It was wonderful! (before anyone moans about me swanning around while being paid at public expense, I also had to do an evening interview, and did some work-related reading and admin while I was in the gardens, so the public purse has not lost out!).
I took nearly 100 photos today (I'm sure that won't come as any great surprise) and there were several I was really pleased with so it was very difficult to choose a photo today for this blog. In the end I went for this one, I think although I loved all of the garden I did like the areas left wild the best, and to me this picture best sums up the gentle movement in the wind and the delicacy and beauty of even quite 'common' flowers and grasses.
Back home tomorrow after another interview. Let's hope the weather holds!
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