Big Cat, Little Cat!

First photo of the day.

These are my 2 cats 'Johnny' the ginger and 'Pepper' the tabby.

My cat story started about 9 years ago when a ginger cat whom I eventually called Bruce kept following me home and turning up on my doorstep of a morning. I let him in one time and that was it - he moved in.
A few years later 'Pepper' who lived a few doors down kept turning up with Bruce as they had become good friends. The neighbours asked if we wanted to keep Pepper as they were moving away and didn't want to take her so of course we did.

'Bruce' died a few years back and after a year I thought 'Pepper' might be lonely and went to a Cat rescue centre and fell in love with 'Johnny'.
My one fear was that because of his size and being a male 'Johnny' might have been a bit of a bully to 'Pepper'.
How wrong I was - about him being a bully and Pepper wanting a companion. She HATED him at first and he was petrified of her.
For a full 3 months they could not be in the same room unsupervised and I had to lock him in a room when I went to work.
After a lot of patience they now get on fine 'most of the time'. As you can see she still can put him in his place with just a stare!

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