#RGTR5 – THE SPA, at Bridlington. What grand huge scones and coffee . . . and this framed view overlooking the North Sea on a grand day. So for Riversiders Guide To Tearooms it has to be Rating 6/7.
A busy and special day today. Laptop seems to have recovered slightly . . . no more banging noises just a bit slow.
Mr Hilton had a bad day today, bucking and rearing up when all is supposed to be a quiet walk. Bravely L got back on later !
Sad night tonight at The Riverside . . . Boro looking for a first win in 6 games and a tribute night to Alistair Brownlee. No not the triathlete. He was a local radio presenter and spent the last 49 years watching and commentating on Boro games across the country. He has died from cancer . . . his meassge to Boro Fans during his illness . . . You make everything bearable. RIP my friend.

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