Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Another day in London

I started rather late, but this will be a long day - I'll be up all night on a workshop in central London. (Watch for tomorrow's blip.)

Borough Market was my first destination. Here I was well within my comfort zone, chatting to stall holders and customers. The market is very attractive, particularly the fruit and veg stalls. This is M who serves on a very upmarket stall called "Ted's Veg". She agreed to have her photo taken with very good grace.

I'd eaten a very hearty breakfast so did not sample any of the street food on offer (apart from a spoonful of paella I was given, "or I'll charge your for that photo"!!)

The Shard is just beside the market. It was a glorious day, so I went on spec to see if I could go to the top. No problem. Wonder if that's anything to do with the price?

The views are incredible. Photography is very tricky because you shoot through glass with multiple reflections plus a layer of grime on the outside. Never mind. It was good fun and I took photos of other people as well as of the views.

I spent the afternoon at the hotel and had a sleep to prepare for tonight's all nighter. We start at 2100 and finish at 0700 tomorrow morning.

Extras are from the Shard. Eventually I will put a set elsewhere and provide a link.

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