Sunrise colours

Another great sunrise and I was surprised to see a sprinkle of snow first thing.
The moon was still up, very bright, lighting up the garden. Jupiter was present too just next to the moon.
I popped into the office and noticed the sun coming up and producing a silhouette of our silver horse ornament that we bought for our 25th wedding Anniversary a while ago.
It reminds me of something that might appear in a Pharaohs tomb. I was watching a very interesting programe about Tutankhamuns tomb with the possibility of a hidden chamber. Very exciting but I feel abit uncomfortable about the Mummies being removed from these tombs after so much effort was put into their' burial'. It seems sad to see their mummified bodies displayed in a glass display unit in a museum somewhere..
The day continued to be nice and I even sat outside with a cup of tea and watched the Lifeboat travel from the Kessock Bridge and pass the Point until it disappeared on it's way to Stromness.

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