Little Feet, Big Feet

Dear Diary,

Yesterdays storm began as heavy snow, transitioned to freezing rain and ice and then finally to all rain.  A very sloppy day.  This little nuthatch sat for the longest time on the rim of the seed bowl so I was able to really observe him.  Such large claws!  But I suppose you need this sort of claw if you spend the majority of you time hopping head first down trees.  Such sweet, comical little creatures.

When I mushed my way to the mailbox to get the mail I notice the tracks of another bird...a much, much larger bird than the wee little nuthatch on the back porch.  (Extra photograph)  The tracks measured 6 inches!  Now, there is only one bird in this neck of the wood that has a track that large, Bald Eagles! Wild turkey's tracks are only about 4 inches. Apparently a pair of eagles were taking a stroll across my driveway!  I wish I had seen that!

Of course, I immediately began to worry for Gaylord, Rudy and company.  I decided not to dwell on that.  Nature has its ways and I have to accept that.  I have seen Bald Eagles soaring over my back field and I know there are several nesting pairs in the area.  They mate for life and build enormous nests,  5-6 feet across.  With the lakes and ponds mostly frozen, their usual food source, fish, is off the plate so they will hunt for small woodland creatures.  Take heed Gaylord and Rudy and spread the word...the eagles are nearby!

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