Cloak of Manannan
The Isle of Man is also known as Manannan's Isle as it was klnown in myth as the ancient kingdom of the sea god Manannan.
This, displayed in the Manx museum, is the Cloak of Manannan made by the Manx Embroiderers' Guild to celebrate the Millennium.
As you can see the work is beautiful and makes up the Island surrounded by sea with embroidery and applique work.
The cloak is a euphemism for the cloud and mist that often descends over the island.
Today it didn't descend it was sunny and breezy and having entertained myself in the morning in Douglas, as my friend had commitments, we then went to Laxey Bay for a crab sandwich overlooking the beach.
Later she had to do a private tuition so she dropped me at Onchan and I walked the full length of the promenade. This is the end of the island's coastal walk, having walked the beginning yesterday, does this mean I have done it now (C)?
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