of moss in my garden. I used today my extension tubes (all three) for a capture. And lighthearted chose the colours to enhance it.
I awoke earlier than I normally do in these days, saw the sunshine coming over the hills, I did the birdfeeding, without bothering to have a coat on.
I found out how terribly cold it was and somehow I did not want to accept it. So after lunch I took a nap on the couch, with two packs of fleece. I slept a long time, or so Piet Hein told me.
Then we went for our walk. At first we intended for a short one, but in the fresh air we both felt uplifted and walked the path behind our home that goes up and up, till it reach a forest road. There is a familiar bench where we sat and we stared at the bare trees.
We followed the road, saw enormous heaps of felt trees at the sides of it.
We left the road for a more narrow path, that goes slowly down for a long distance. It snowed in slow motion, we were alone. A thought came in my mind: when will the first wolf wander here. And who will be more afraid?

Many thanks to youoregon1 for hosting this day the ever inspiring Abstract Thursday challenge.

My haiku:

Stop recoiling for
Choosing absurd colours now
All colours allowed

And the proverb:

We must recoil a little, to the end we may leap the better.

1611  Cotgrave S.V. 'Saulter'.

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