
By Realgrumpytyke

Dumplings - and suggestions for blipcentral

Dumplings are a favourite for Petronela. They have 'dumplings' (galuste) in Romania but they are quite different to the light, fluffy things I make; made from semolina and egg the Romanian versions are much more solid. So, though it was sunny today it was cold enough to merit stew and dumplings. Nevertheless, those pictured during cooking have a Romanian influence; they are being cooked in a Romanian gipsy pot known as a ceaun (cha-oon). We also have a much bigger one for when there are guests. Tinkering is still an important activity for Romanian gipsies and they are very good at it (as they are as musicians).
I've put a plate of stew and dumplings in extras; fortunately we both really like savoy cabbage.
I was delighted to see another report from the blipcentral four. So far I have been reluctant to make any suggestions, partly as I thought they had enough on their plates for the moment, partly because I thought that as a relatively new blipper it might be a bit arrogant.
However, in the most recent blipcentral post some of the priorities were listed so I thought I would respond. There are, of course, so many comments that it would take a while to go through them all so, for the record, here's what I said:
All great and again a big thank you. One or two things to mention as they're in your priority list. Good to see 'Polaroid' go; that previously great name has been tarnished. When iOS app is updated please make sure it works well on iPad; it seems it works OK on smart phones but not on Ipad (eg, only 'portrait' format) and if I go to iPad on a browser I lose all the formatting options. How about two additional directors and making them both female? You've got a big gender imbalance at the moment but the majority of blippers I follow are female and I suspect they might be a majority of users.

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