Today has been a hard day, and I'm afraid I've had a hard time doing anything positive for me.
So, on a whim, I decided that I would do something positive for someone else instead... And off we went to book a (much overdue) appointment to go give blood.
I do like the good humour of the West End Donor Centre and today they were on particularly good form (penguins BEFORE donation??! Thanks Jay!). I have to say, in general, that if you haven't given blood then do try it - it is easy to make a real difference and it's as good fun as being poked in arm can be. Unfortunately the big downside today was that they (shockingly!) didn't have any "my wife-to-be gave blood today" stickers, so we had to make do doctoring our own...
It was a hard slog of a day, but this evening has felt a lot more positive. Even if it did largely involve watching Bake Off and massaging my new boots... and hopefully I'm set up for a positive day tomorrow - here's hoping!
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