So here it is (the left watch). The watch that i purchased using my Amazon Voucher. Well the cost of the watch was more than the voucher but i got a good deal. First the watch was on sale from 195GBP to 59.99GBP and then with my 30GBP voucher, all i paid was just 29.99GBP. It looks legit and it arrived in all the right packaging plus the warranty so it must be legit! It was a close tie between this and the Daniel Wellington watch. I later on decided to go with the D&G one since it had a date function on it.

A couple of days ago, my Esprit watch had a bit of a temper probably from realizing that i ordered a new watch. The free loop broke! It's a good thing that i was able to superglue it back and now it still is useable and i dont have one part of the strap just dangling around. Who knew inanimate objects do have feelings too?!

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