Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


This weeks Blip Challenge has been entitled, "STILL LIFE". As I considered what to photograph, I decided to get together some of the items that are around our home that represent what is special not only to myself, but to my wife also.

I am a Christian....and either have eluded to the fact thru some of the Blips that I have taken in the past, or sometimes I have just passed a comment, that has reflected my belief in God, as I have reflected on the picture that I have taken.

These items that are incorporated into this still life reflect many aspects of my faith in Christ.

You may be reading this, with faith in Christ, curiosity in Spiritual things, or none whatsoever! And yet the facts remain, and I believe passionately, that all God wants us to know is how much He loves each and every one of us.

3 Words to reflect on..KNOWN, LOVED, WAITING!

We are all KNOWN by God.....and whether you believe it or not We are all LOVED by God....and finally He waits and is WAITING for us to stop, and spend some time with Him and discover just how Special we are to Him.

Have a great weekend!

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