
By Onesmallplanet

Snow! (and lots of it!)

K and I decided to take a little trip up to the Highlands around Aberfeldy. It was a good chance to relax and experience the beauty of the Scottish wilderness in the winter time. Since we were on our own schedule (no train or bus to catch) we took our time getting ready in the morning and then headed off to our destination around noon, enjoying the fabulous scenery on the way. I got K to stop a couple times as we got closer to Aberfeldy to capture the still, quiet hills and trees blanketed in snow. It is strange that snow has become a novelty to me having grown up in Canada and experiencing some pretty gruelling and cold winters. It's certainly warmer in Edinburgh in the winter which can be good but it can also be quite a dank and dreary time. The landscape of the Highlands does have a special quality though, made all the more special because of the lovely covering of snow, I guess that is why I enjoyed myself so much!

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