Serious reading

Wom reading the that's not my tractor book, had a very cute moment where Munchie read the boomk to him, taking his hand to the parts in the book to feel, but the photos were rubbish.

Long old day
Started at 5am
Home at 1pm with two sleeping babies, put them both to bed and had me time. Did nothing part for play on the Internet and order stuff then watched call the midwife for an hour.


Once tinkers one and two were up, it was tough, Munchie suffers badly from windburn so was very sore on her hands, thus grumpy and tearful. Wom is teething badly so the world was against him.

Wom fell asleep quickly Munchie wanted daddy so ended up snuggling up to her in our bed until he was home.

Alll being well, off on an adventure in the morning to Cotswold wildlife park. Excited.

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