Too tired

Took the day off work today to take C to the dental hospital.

Firstly cycled to school with him ( tears ensued for reasons to complicated ) to go into. Then I cycled home in about the fifth of the time.

Grabbed a coffee then in the car to go to the swimming pool to. .... watch C swim.

Traffic is so bad in Bristol at the moment, that I could only grab 15 mins at home.

He was very excited to see me there ( as were his friends ).

Then he managed ( with some cajoling from his teacher ) to be the first one out.

Instead of the bus back to school it was off for his checkup.
Another 30 minutes to get from Easton to the Hospital ( loving the mayor induced traffic jams ).



Then an attempt at applying some fissure seal (?) - second bout of tears.

Back to the car park, 2 hours later.

Another 30 mins to get to school , where they had kept his lunch ( angels ). He ate in his class room whilst the rest were in Assembly.

Then another 15 minute drive for me home to reheat last night's pasta for lunch.

Now 2pm.

Grabbed a coffee.

Played some Candy Crush, and then back of again to pick him up from school and put the bike in the back ( to avoid yet more tears ).


Walked to nursery to pick up JJ. Yet more tears from C.


Then straight out again to pick up a Chinese takeaway.

Ate that.

Made up the spare ( bunk ) bed in JJs room.

Read the boys a story.

Fell asleep.

Probably a lack of coffee.

So giving up.

9.10pm and I'm going to bed. .. As long as the sodding police helicopter would bugger off.

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