Parallel Road

Shot after passing by the supermarket and on my way to the filling station.  That's the A58 on the right.  I'm happy they raised the speed limit on it to 130 kph (about 90 mph).  That said, I don't always drive at that speed.

A cloudy day.  Some sun but it never lasted long.

My headcold hasn't worsened.  I take that to mean it should lessen shortly.  I made sure to dress more warmly and there were moments when I was way too warm.

Not much done today.  Still taking my time.  Hubby and I are both restless about next week.  Not worried, just fidgety.  My hobbies are seeing me through.  Idem ditto hubby with his bridge.  Bro-in-law J phoned to check up on us.  He's slightly anxious, too, but his mind is more on his wife's operation next week.  Sometimes things happen simultaneously, but that goes for good things, too.

In The Phil, they have been commemorating the People Power Revolution that ousted dictator Marcos.  Marcos' son might run for VP this year.  Loads of Martial Law videos, essays, documentaries, and old newspaper articles now online, reminding the voters, most of whom were born after the dictatorship, that the mistakes of the past should not be repeated and that our money, stolen by the Marcoses, has not yet been returned.  Not one centavo.  I participated in the revolution way back in 1986.  A glorious time!  I joined the street demos and watched as the dictator's helicopters circled above our heads, machine guns aimed at us.  Good times.  Exciting times.  Nostalgia.  The country hasn't changed much.  I have.  Now, I am unrecognizable to many.  Do I mind?  No.  The old Ellaphant is gone, together with many, many memories.

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