Plum Blossoms

Early this morning it still seemed like Spring was near, so I wanted to get a photo of my blossoms. Here they are for Flower Friday......but now I hear that there is a different challenge for day. Oh well, I am sticking to Flower Friday with my plum blossoms. About noon the weather changed with a flurry of rain storms that are still coming down. 
The little bushtits from yesterday returned this morning and provided us with entertainment for another day. The planter in under cover, so they are out of the rain. 
Hubby started to clean up his storage area in the garage, so now I can get to "my" area. Everything in those cabinets are not anything of value to anyone in my family but me; so I told my husband that I am getting anything important into my office. Anything in that garage area can go "bye bye" if I am not here any more. Sound morbid? No, just practical; my neighbors daughter is here attempting to move them to assisted living facility and cleaning out their home to sell it has become a MAJOR event. It is frustrating to the mother and daughter! 

Thanks for visiting my Blip photos. Extras are other things blooming in my yard right now. Thanks for finding my sleeping bushtit enjoyable yesterday. I wish I could have all of you over to my house to enjoy them here too.

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