Friday close-up

This was the last of Swannie's late shifts. I think she has actually enjoyed them, though. Tonight, she came in, fed us, poured a glass of wine and put the rugby on that recorded earlier. It was Wales v France and the first half was quite slow and hard going but the second half was much more entertaining. Wales won in the end 19 - 10.

Maly was at the vet again this afternoon with his baldy belly. He is to cut his steroids down to a half tablet a day for a month then stop them altogether. After a couple of days he will go back onto his anti inflammatories again. His belly is not exactly a luxurious black pelt but it has got a fluffy covering so it will just be a matter of watching to make sure he doesn't start over-grooming it again.

I hope you are all having as relaxed a Friday as I'm having. Lots of love, JJ. xx

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