Greenhouse Progress - Day 3
Almost there, but the glass installation proved more frustrating (I think). A long day and a cold one by the end of the afternoon. He doesn't give in easily though :)
A print day for me - not sure it was very successful, though the thing about not getting things right is that, hopefully, you learn. Ann wanted me to resurrect the print I'd done some years ago of The Hepworth Gallery as I'm entering some prints to the Hot-Bed stall for the forthcoming print fair. It was a small run as the first experiment had a background constructed from polystyrene. This produced an interesting texture but was quickly pressed flat. The second version was cut from vinyl and was always a bit crude - this is the one I was experimenting with yesterday. I wanted a different set of colours for a new edition but in the end didn't like what I chose for the subject. I'm going to go back and try the turquoise, greys and purples combination that I think is more in keeping with the building. (The colour of the concrete rendering changes according to the light). I've done a new polystyrene plate and I think I'm going to construct a new lino cut background - or maybe even try a drypoint version. This would enable me to have dark lines rather than the white ones of the vinyl plate.
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