
By DawnAgain

The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne

Mr DawnAgain foresook a day at the football with his friends today to spend some time with me. Naturally I was hugely flattered. Anyway, we decided to head over to Selborne to check out the Gilbert White and Oates Collection museum which, despite being less than twenty minutes away, neither of us had been to before. And we were very pleasantly surprised. It was fascinating and just a little bit quirky. And has an excellent tea parlour. Pictured is the original manuscript for White's great book, one of the most published and popular books in the English language, first published in 1789 and in print ever since.

We also popped into the church over the road, where Gilbert White is buried. There is the trunk of a massive 1400 year old yew tree in the churchyard which was felled by a storm in 1990, pulling up a number of burials, which led to the excavation and reinterrment of around thirty individuals, many of whom had been originally buried in the Mediaeval period.

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