
By cowgirl

Make a wish.

Mary's 4th birthday.

We couldn't make it to her ' Soft Play ' afternoon with her school friends, but joined her back at home with family. As usual it was loud, hectic and there was food galore, plus a pile of presents!

It's the latest 4th birthday party I've ever attended - at 10pm the menfolk went to the pub, leaving Mary, her mum, two aunties and little cousin Alice ( 6 months and raring to go having had a 2 hour snooze! ) to amuse ourselves. The birthday girl fell asleep, the aunties and Alice left at a little after 11 and the boys returned about midnight. As Sav had driven them in our car, I had to wait for them to come back before I could go home! Was I ever ready for my bed when I finally crawled into it!!

I've added an extra montage of the evening, before tiredness and sugar rushes! Note the little shot of Alice realising Sav wasn't her mummy, and not being pleased about that!

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