There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Jewels Begetting Jewels

"These gems have life in them: their colors speak, say what words fail of." - George Eliot

It is high summer now and all the fancy winged creatures are out and about. At the Arboretum Tuesday afternoon, I spotted a pair of huge dragonflies engaged in . . . well, let's just say . . . very friendly dragonfly behaviors. I got some photos of the big dragonflies, but I had so many pictures to choose from that day that the orange butterfly won the choice for blip.

Imagine my surprise and delight when I returned on Wednesday and encountered a similar scene. Perhaps they were the same dragonflies from the day before, I'm not sure.

I leaned way down to get the shot, and was able to capture their reflections as well as the actual pair. What a special gift to get to watch these jewels of the air beget more jewels! :-)

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