This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

The opening went well. It was sparsely attended as I expected. It is in Springdale, and the gallery didn't bother to send out the postcards etc etc... But, all the people we really love and wanted to see showed up so it was great to see them and actually have conversations. The best part is they were quality people and now our work is in some quality collections! So far, four pieces have sold from the fifteen new works! So we are quite pleased with that. The works are beautiful and we hung it perfectly for the space and the sales on top are just lovely! Afterwards we went to dammgoode pies (pizza shop) with Linda and Melissa.

Now, back to today. There is no rest for the weary in the art world, so after last night's opening we were up with the dawn and headed out of town for a work related road trip. Jennifer, Stewart and I headed to Hot Springs (3.5 hours away) to trade out art from galleries. I got all my work from my gallery there and discovered I had sold a painting! So, that was a lovey $urprise. Jennifer traded out her work as well and then we had lunch and went to the Museum of Contemporary Art. That is where we stumbled on these tiny recreations, I enjoyed photographing them. I will find out who the artist is and add it at a later date.

After the Hot Springs part of the road trip, we headed to Little Rock (one hour from Hot Springs), the capital city, so that I could have a meeting with a gallery there. It was a lovely gallery, with quality work and I really enjoyed the owner. I showed him my work and we talked. He kept 6 pieces! And I now have representation by a new gallery! He also has a gallery in Miami and Berlin, so I hope my work will be shown there too! I am pretty excited about this.

It was a 2 hour meeting and afterwards we all went to... dammgoode pies (the pizza shop- the little rock branch) and had dinner and drove back to Fayetteville. It was a long day, but productive and hopefully lucrative.

Many thanks to Stewart and Jennifer for their patience and excitement for me during and after the meeting.

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