
By croftercampbell

Peter and the Puffins

Today we are at the opening of Bridge House Arts exhibition of work by students of the portfolio course. They have been working for five months and have produced some excellent work. We were out in force for the private view at An Talla Solais's gallery in Ullapool and the show is now open to the public for a week or so so do go along if you're in the area.

The picture is off Peter, who is on the board of volunteers that run ATS - the seabirds are work by BHA student Jenny Grant who also produced a rather lovely book about guillemots.

The extra pic is of friend Iain - the sole male on the course who drew on his vetinary experience for inspiration for some of his boxes reflecting on the theme of Colonies. We were all mightily impressed with his ideas and craftsmanship!

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