Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

German WW1 Medals....

I often shy away from photographing my hubby's collection of medals because many of them are German WW2 medals and I don't like posting photos of the swastika in case it causes offence.....I got my highest marks ever in a photography assignment for my macro of a German 1938 Mother's medal....it's beautiful but has such scary connotations...
So, I have been looking at his collection in the display cabinet and decided to take these two...the gold one is a Wurttemburg 1914 medal and the black one is an Iron Cross 2nd class also 1914....I often wonder who they belonged to originally and also what will happen to them when we're gone as no-one in our family has any kind of interest in them...

I have decided to do a macro theme for the whole of March which will mean that some of our travel photos will be put on either as extras or not on the day they were taken as we're away soon...

I love doing macros....so here's to starting with Macro March....my very own challenge!

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