Charlotte doesn't think I stink!
Here I am with Charlotte. Charlotte doesn't really like dogs; but I'm her favourite dog - YAY!
Charlotte works with Ann and she said that I would be getting an 'inferiority complex' because Ann keeps mentioning on BLIP how stinky I am when I'm wet. Charlotte said that it wasn't my fault that I get stinky when it rains or when I wallow in muddy water.
I'm a dog for goodness sake?!! I don't have an 'inferiority complex' because I'm stinky!
I get stinky, Ann tells me I'm stinky, I know I'm stinky, but I don't actually care if I'm stinky. Stinky is a human problem?!
Ann says if I want to go and live with Charlotte I can.
..........................I don't want to.
I know that Ann loves me ....................................just the 'stinky' way I am??!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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