
George Michael - Amazing

I'm a terrible son, in every sense of the word. I have cause my mother so much pain, physically and mentally. Yet she continues to love me, like a dog that never seems to do wrong. I am impervious to her hatred, a tank to my arrows and it's her strength that has given me the motivation to "be". There is nothing without her and all who have supported her. Where I have found despair, she has found reason. Where I have found the end, she has found hope. She has housed me, bathed me, given me all that I have to be the "man" I am today. She has fought the greatest battles just to see me continue on. I am ungrateful because I will never be able to give her the greatest gift that she has given me... freedom. All that I am, is nothing without her. I am proud of my father to be able to give her all that she wants, and I am in admiration of my sister for being who she is, if for the very least because we are both from them. We are together because of them.

To my Mum... happy birthday. Everyday is a revelation knowing that you're in my life.

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