Me And My Shadow

We are having beautiful sunny days around here, so today we went for one of our favourite walkies in the oak nature reserve. There is still snow in shadowy areas, and some lakes still have ice on them. This is one of them, where a man was cross country skiing so I thought I should check him out. We had a super nice walk, the ground was frozen, I got lots of off-lead time and the February sun was warm. Winter rocks!

In the evening was my second Alice class. We worked with cones. Walking heel on either side of them and walking heel slalom. The Golden was more rogue than ever, but halfway through the lesson he and his mum left. That meant that we could do the slalom and everything off lead, and finish with heel past everyone off lead and Come past everyone. I think I did well, because the teacher said so and mum was proud. Yay!

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