a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Jeremy Fisher

The sun popped out for a short time this afternoon and I thought I would try to practice taking photos of the garden birds.   The sunshine didn't last long and there was quite a strong (and cold east wind).  The woodpecker came and went as I was thinking of setting up so I missed it once more. The goldfinches were their usual charming selves (thanks to all those who told me the correct collective noun for goldfinches the other day), and posed for me.  

However, in a quiet moment, I was amazed to see this frog jump out of the pond waterfall and hop off under the bushes.  I raced back inside, changed lenses and still managed to get this shot of him between jumps.  Unfortunately I didn't manage to get a clear shot of him mid air - I needed a much faster shutter speed and had not the time to reset the shutter speed before he had made it under the bushes.

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