Don't be smug

Visited Hope Church this morning so that I could take some pictures for their new banner. Saw and heard the famous Phil Whittall, who's name I've heard mentioned a fair bit over the last three years.

Then a glorious run out to Upton Magna. Took this from the highest point I ran to and felt super smug about how far away town looks from this view. I'm still pretty amazed that my little legs can take me this far. The human body is a wonderful thing. Whenever I have done a long run on a Sunday through the winter, it's felt like I'm wasting the day. Today though, with a little bit of sunshine, it felt like I was making the most of the day. Bring on spring time running!

Shortly after this though, my knee started to hurt and got progressively worse all the way home. I managed to run most of the way, hobble a bit of the way and then the pain overtook my stubbornness and I had to walk the last couple of km.

SS had to basically carry me up the hill to pop and do a bit of shopping later. Is this what getting old feels like?

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