Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


We'd been planning for about a month a small surprise gathering/party for my dad's 60th birthday. I thought he might have guessed but he didn't have a clue. My mum had got his friends numbers out his phone and I'd text them all a few weeks ago.

Then in the evening mum and their pals took him for dinner (after football) and then had to get him across to the pub we were all waiting in. Even when he came in to the pub he still didn't guess. So a proper surprise. I can't decide if he's chuffed or not yet I think he's still in shock that we can actually keep secrets (I'm no good at secrets!)

I had made lots of food and stuff but I didn't make this cake. Another fish tank themed cake! A bit bigger (ok lots bigger!) than what I'd made for his birthday on Monday.

Anyway now his birthday week's done, mine can start!

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