Bit Missing

After all the hot days with temperatures over 30c it felt really cold today, with just 13c. We need rain but haven't seen any here. It is just overcast and miserable.

We got a rude awaking this morning just after 3.30am with a strong earthquake. At first it was put down as a 4.4 but they down graded to a 4.3. Why it felt so strong is, it wasn't far away from our house and only 5k deep. Which a very shallow quake. After that I just couldn't get back to sleep. I was over tired with the heat and work in day in Akaroa.. so think that was the trouble. And also being woken from a deep sleep. It even woke John! The ground still is very unsettled. We have only had a lot of small quakes since.

When I got home yesterday I said to John the ground sure is humming just now.. Still is! Even mentioned it Jamie while I was in Akaroa.

I noticed this Monarch Butterfly which had just Emerged from a Chrysalis this afternoon. On a closer look I noticed its wing was damaged at the tip. I took these shots and thought the poor thing may never fly. As I was watering my plants, that looked very dead after all the heat .. I saw him fly off. So pleased to see that happen.

I wasn't sure which shot to use .. hopefully I made the right choice. You can see the other shots in my extras.

I put up my back blips from the weekend  this morning at Akaroa. It was a fantastic sunset on the Saturday evening.

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