Time travel

Had some things to do near the place where I used to live as a child and decided to go and take a look around ...
At first I went to the other side of the road to see my old school. It's not used as a school any more, but the building is still there. It is much smaller than I remembered, I was nine when we moved away... about 45 years ago.
Then to the other side of the road.
I had not thought what to do, took some shots and walked along the road. Then I saw a man there on the yard and went to talk to him. Apologised my intruding and told I had lived in that house ... he was very friendly and showed me around and invited also to look inside the house and there I met his wife, too. It felt very odd to be there, somehow so familiar, but so very peculiar and mixed feelings and so much memories...
I think I'm going to send them some of the photos I took, they were both so friendly.

Thank you so much for yesterday's lovely comments and stars and all,
you made my day again ... I'm still smiling!
Take care and enjoy, wherever you are and whatever you do!

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