The King Stone

Slightly odd that on a day with fantastic weather, blue sky and snow on the mlountains, I have blipped with an image of a stone.
However it is allegedly an interesting one. Around the 12th to 17th century, the most powerful person in the Hebrides, and indeed in what is now Scotland, was called the Lord of the Isles. As part of his coronation process, he placed his foot in the imprint of a foot carved in a rock on Islay. That stone was destroyed in an effort to remove the power of the Lord of the Isles but it is thought this stone on Berneray served a similar purpose. The foot imprint is clear along with over lines carved into the rock.
It is near a probable early monastic site and we discovered what could be a timbered track in a peat exposure on the shore nearby. Overall then a fascinating day archaeologically as well as a spectacular one in terms of scenery. 
Days like this don't come that often so good to make the most them!

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