Views from and within Quinta Vigia

Yet another beautiful garden in Funchal! Sitting just above Catarina park, this public garden is attached to the president's palace. Top is the view across Funchal harbour; bottom left, a leaping horse on the palace roof (included to celebrate Leap Day) and, bottom right, a myriad blooms on a Mother-of-Thousands plant.

Not content with this garden collage, I've added an Extra of circling pigeons. Took this on full zoom from the foot of the cable car in town, looking up the hillside. Could have added half a dozen more extras, but I've restrained myself. 

Thanks for all your recent comments and stars. Glad to feel that others are enjoying this holiday vicariously. I'm only sorry I can only send virtual warmth, but tomorrow it will be March, so the UK spring can't be far away. 

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