Standing on the shoulders of giants.

What a difference today from yesterday. The Cumbrian weather had reverted to type this morning. We decided to go and do a shortish walk taking in Longlands Fell and Brae Fell.
It was so cold and windy and Longlands Fell looked pretty uninspiring, just a big unpreposessing green lump. No trees no rocks no distinguishing features, not even any sheep to speak of, its only claim to fame is that it's the most northerly Wainwright.
However after walking a little way up its khaki flanks and turning round, like a new layer of chocolates in a box you thought only had a squashed strawberry cream left, a whole new array of views opens up.
We both took pretty much the same photos as each other, as we weren't very keen to remove our gloves, and it was probably the coldest picnic I've had since we got to the top of Snowdon years ago only to  find the cafe was closed and we ate our sandwiches in driving sleet.
Anyway this is the slightly menacing north face of Skiddaw.
Extra is a little line of trees we both liked. Two more Wainwrights to add to the list,

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