
Sadly, didn't take many other shots today!

I have signed up to a gym, I know you are impressed! Bex and Josh have been going for a while (Sim goes to a different one) and Mr C joined after Christmas. I need to get a lot fitter than I am and have been talking about it for so long, so I needed to get off my backside and do something about it. Reading your journals where you have walked (or ran in your lunchtime..cough,cough swissroll!!) for quite a few miles as if it was just a stroll in the park, I want to be able to do at least half of that ( not the running though) and hopefully this is the start. Tonight I had a good swim, jacuzzi break and then another swim. I am prepared that it will take a while to build up my strength and stamina but here's to the gym!!!!

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