Meeting the Cat

As well as his family of course, CyclopsJnr was delighted to be spending the weekend with a pet but he seemed to think that Q was a cat.  No matter, he loved him desperately anyway.

Crieff Hydro is brilliant for children, and today we took advantage of the facilities.

First we went on a bouncy castle, and CyclopsJnr had a good go at standing up and bouncing.  He also roamed about the sports hall and tried to join in a football game with some bigger boys.

In the afternoon we went up to the swimming pool during a kids session, and they had put out some pool toys and a large inflatable slide.  

CyclopsJnr went on the slide several times and loved it.  He did cause some confusion and laughter amongst the lifeguards at one point as he edged himself slowly onto the slide and got about a third of the way down before stopping – perfectly happy, just… stopped!  The lifeguards bounced the slide from both ends to try and set him off, and one even went to get the hose… before he went of his own accord.  Not even two yet.  Fearless.

We also checked out the playground near to our cottage.

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