Not-So-Tiny Tuesday

As it turned out, there were no first-year candidates to interview, I didn't have to be present as stand-by in case anyone showed up, and the speaker who was supposed to give my second-year class a talk about their internship had to cancel because of a post-operative hospital appointment.  In short, I was able, with a good, clean conscience, to decide to work at home, which I did -- inputting more marks, reading and answering mail, updating my files.  Outside, it still feels like it is freezing so today's decision has been quite convenient.

Hubby's appearance at court with bro-in-law J went very well.  Some tidbits -- more than half of the other party did not show up, they answered the judge's questions rather inadequately and unconvincingly, they occasionally didn't even have any answers to some of the more important questions.  The legal counsel of both parties were present, of course.  Occasionally, hubby wanted to express himself in an emotional outburst but the lawyer and brother J would pat him on the knee and assure him that he didn't have to, for which he was thankful.  It turned out that hubby forgot his hearing aid, but he had no regrets as he thinks it would have been more stressful if he had really heard everything, to which I agree.  The judge asked hubby and J for how much they were willing to settle and they said 'one-half'.  In contrast, the other party were willing to settle for not more than about one-eighth or other smaller fraction.  At the end of two whole hours, the judge said 'Bye, final decision in about 6 weeks, probably even less.'  In short, not a bad feeling.  In the meantime, sis-in-law has checked in at the hospital and I will phone J later to ask how that is going.

Back to work now, and maybe a bit of time for my Screenwriting course.  In the meantime ... this sweet-smelling bloom is making me smile!

And am I pleased that that rainbow icon at the top of the page is history.

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