Beautiful day!

My first day of retirement - quite a good morning to begin with. I went down to the hospital Podiatry Dept to find that the receptionist was a man I was talking to at the Photo Club last night! I went on to the Recycling Centre, aka the dump, and met somebody I knew and stood talking for a while. Thought that this retirement lark was OK!

This afternoon has turned out dire, however. To start with it was dry and I decided to let the cats out for a trial run - they'd been locked inside since we moved in on Friday evening. They had a careful nosy about then both went up to the new house being built above us, so I thought it time to bring them in - it was a start, anyway.

Then when I thought about a Blip I found that the rain was hissing down so a Blip through the window was all I could do. 

Out to give a talk this evening, 30 miles away at Ford. When I arranged it last year it was quite close to Arduaine! 

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