Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

Guest lecture

Today the middle and senior school students had the privilege of attending a guest lecture by Dr. Isabelle Rombouts, a marine biologist. In 2002, she graduated from a BSc in Marine Biology from the University of Aberystwyth, Wales, UK. After a MRES at University of St Andrews, Scotland, she moved to France to carry out her PhD project at the University of Paris VI. Currently, she works as a research fellow at the Museum of Natural History in France where she is commissioned by the Ministry of Ecology to implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Her research mainly focuses on the diversity of marine plankton and their potential use in environmental management. To address these questions, she uses a combination of theoretical modelling and observational data, with a strong emphasis on multivariate analyses and spatial statistics.

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