GT Yar Mouth

The morning walk was curtailed by foul weather. There's only so much slashing rain a body should put up with!

So, back to the painting [Interior design challenge has a lot to answer for!]

And a trip to Great Yarmouth in search of cottage furniture. The American voice on the SatNav called Great Yarmouth GT Yar Mouth!, she kept butting in to the more fluent English SatNav lady? Eh?

Anyway we found Ellies, but the lady in question is a big [HUGE!] fan of 'Shabby Chic'. Lots of old furniture ruined! She could have sold two bedside cabinets and a chest of drawers but for the chalky pastel paint.

We walked around the town, I liked it, a bit past it's best, faded seaside grandeur and chips available all day.
The rain doesn't help. Fab dockside full of intriguing oil rig service vessels, I'll be back with a better camera on a better day.

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