Say My Name Say My Name

Yesterday's blip featured Maisie, here you have Archibald along with a cup decorated with cats called Archie & Maisie. I bought this cup during my first ever trip to Edinburgh in the eighties before I ever knew there would be a real set of Archie'n'Maisie. Sadly, I have to report I've never put Arch in what looks like a Man Utd kit and Maisie does not have a fairisle jumper. Yet.

I loved Edinburgh from the minute I arrived that time, came for the festival and jumped in with both feet, spent the nights in Late'n'Live till the early morning, dancing with comedians, minging with Vic'n'Bob and the like in the Gilded Balloon bar, long before the special 'keep the plebs separate' limited access bars they have for minor slebs these days. Anyway, 25 or so years on, I live here now. Livin' the dream!

In other news, after living in this house for over eight years now, tonight I discovered a cupboard in the kitchen I didn't know existed. Bonkers but true.

EDIT: and, yes, I did mean minging with ...

Say My Name, Destiny's Child, 2000

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