Another kingfisher!
That was a very good day, in many ways :)
I had a nice lie-in then got up and read the paper, and Private Eye and a photography magazine. Then I listened to the radio and checked out the web, as the 30 SFL teams debated the fate of Rangers; eventually coming to the correct conclusion, despite the blackmailing and bullying of certain other sporting organisations :D I realise that some people from Foreign Parts, and indeed, many people in this country, will have no interest in this story, but if the vote had gone another way, it would have wrecked one of the most enjoyable parts of my life; I would really not have gone back to watch football, as it would have meant that the rules had been bent (broken, in fact!) to protect an organisation simply because of money.
Anyway, integrity prevailed.
Wandered to the Water of Leith and have now found a fairly reliable time and place to see the kingfishers :) I will return and try to get a bit closer...
The next good thing was the return of Meles from Milton Keynes (she will backblip tomorrow). I met her at the station and we went for a couple of delicious pints at the Guildford :)
To improve the shining hour even more, I then ran into our old friend Audrey, whom I have not seen for (about) 6 years. It was great to catch up, and a lovely contrast to another old and dear friend whom I had passed on the street recently who had totally blanked me.
That was really upsetting, and probably one of the reasons that I have been a bit antisocial on blip over the last few days. Apologies for that...I will catch up soon x
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